Saturday, December 26, 2009

Preparing The ISO 9000 Standards Quality Manual

Thursday, November 26, 2009

ISO 9000 Standards – Quality Management Principles

ISO 9000 Standards – Quality Management Principles
A quality management principle is defined by ISO/TC 176 as a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief, for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other interested parties. Eight principles have emerged as fundamental to the management of quality.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 are related to one or more of these principles. These principles provide the reasons for the requirements and are thus very important. The quality management principles can be listed as below:

1. Customer focus
Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.
The customer focus principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Communication with the customer
b. Care for customer property
c. The determination of customer needs and expectations
d. Appointment of a management representative
e. Management commitment

2. Leadership
Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction for the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.
The leadership principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. The setting of objectives and policies
b. Planning
c. Internal communication
d. Creating an effective work environment

3. Involvement of people
People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit.
The involvement of people principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Participation in design reviews
b. Defining objectives, responsibilities and authority
c. Creating an environment in which people are motivated
d. Internal communication
e. Identifying competence needs

4. Process approach
A desired result is achieved more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process.
The process approach principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. The identity of processes
b. Defining process inputs and outputs
c. Providing the infrastructure, information and resources for processes to

5. System approach to management
This principle is expressed as follows:
Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.
The system approach principle is reflected in ISO 9001 through the requirements addressing:
a. Establishing, implementing and maintaining the management system
b. Interconnection, interrelation and sequence of processes
c. The links between processes
d. Establishing measurement processes

6. Continual improvement
This principle is expressed as follows:
Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.
The continual improvement principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Improvement processes
b. Identifying improvements
c. Reviewing documents and processes for opportunities for improvement

7. Factual approach to decision making
This principle is expressed as follows:
Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
The factual approach principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standards through the requirements addressing:
a. Reviews, measurements and monitoring to obtain facts
b. Control of measuring devices
c. Analysis to obtain facts from information
d. Records for documenting the facts
e. Approvals based on facts

8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
This principle is expressed as follows:
An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.
The mutually beneficial supplier relationships principle is reflected in ISO 9000 Standardsthrough the requirements addressing:
a. Control of suppliers
b. Evaluation of suppliers
c. Analysis and review of supplier data

ISO 9000 Standards – Retention Of Records

ISO 9000 Standards – Retention Of Records
It is important that records are not destroyed before their useful life is over.
There are several factors to consider when determining the retention time for records.
The duration of the contract – some records are only of value whilst the contract is in force.
The life of the product – access to the records will probably not be needed for some considerable time, possibly long after the contract has closed. On defence contracts the contractor has to keep records for up to 20 years and
for product liability purposes, in the worst-case situation (taking account of
appeals) you could be asked to produce records up to 17 years after you made the product.
The period between management system assessments – assessors may wish to see evidence that corrective actions from the last assessment were taken. If the period of assessment is three years and you dispose of the evidence after 2 years, you will have some difficulty in convincing the assessor that you corrected the deficiency.
You will also need to take account of the subcontractor records and ensure
adequate retention times are invoked in the contract.
Where the retention time is actually specified can present a problem. If you
specify it in a general procedure you are likely to want to prescribe a single
figure, say 5 years for all records. However, this may cause storage problems – it may be more appropriate therefore to specify the retention times in the procedures that describe the records. In this way you can be selective.
You will also need a means of determining when the retention time has
expired so that if necessary you can dispose of the records. The retention time doesn’t mean that you must dispose of them when the time expires – only that you must retain the records for at least that stated period. Not only will the records need to be dated but the files that contain the records need to be dated and if stored in an archive, the shelves or drawers also dated. It is for this reason that all documents should carry a date of origin and this requirement needs to be specified in the procedures that describe the records. If you can rely on the selection process a simple method is to store the records in bins or computer disks that carry the date of disposal.
While the ISO 9000 requirement applies only to records, you may also need to retain tools, jigs, fixtures, test software – in fact anything that is needed to repair or reproduce equipment in order to honour your long-term commitments.
Should the customer specify a retention period greater than what you
prescribe in your procedures, special provisions will need to be made and this is a potential area of risk. Customers may choose not to specify a particular time and require you to seek approval before destruction. Any contract that requires you to do something different creates a problem in conveying the requirements to those who are to implement them. The simple solution is to persuade your customer to accept your policy. You may not want to change your procedures for one contract. If you can’t change the contract, the only alternative is to issue special instructions. You may be better off storing the records in a special contract store away from the normal store or alternatively attach special labels to the files to alert the people looking after the archives.

ISO 9000 Standards – Document Approval

ISO 9000 Standards – Document Approval
The ISO 9000 Standards requires that documents be approved for adequacy prior to issue.

Approval prior to issue means that designated authorities have agreed the document before being made available for use. Whilst the term ade-
quacy is a little vague it should be taken as meaning that the document is judged as fit for the intended purpose. In a paper based system, this means approval before the document is distributed. With an electronic system, it means that the documents should be approved before they are published or made available to the user community.

The ISO 9000 Standards document control process needs to define the process by which documents are approved. In some cases it may not be necessary for anyone other than the approval authority to examine the documents. In others it may be necessary to set up a panel of reviewers to solicit their comments before approval is given.
It all depends on whether the approval authority has all the information
needed to make the decision and is therefore ‘competent’. One might think that the CEO could approve any document in the organization but just because a person is the most senior executive does not mean he or she is competent to perform any role in the organization.

Users should be the prime participants in the approval process so that the
resultant documents reflect their needs and are fit for the intended purpose. If the objective is stated in the document, does it fulfil that objective? If it is stated that the document applies to certain equipment, area or activity, does it cover that equipment, area or activity to the depth expected of such a document? One of the difficulties in soliciting comments to documents is that you will gather comment on what you have written but not on what you have omitted. A useful method is to ensure that the procedures requiring the document specify the acceptance criteria so that the reviewers and approvers can check the document against an agreed standard.

To demonstrate documents have been deemed as adequate prior to issue,
you will need to show that the document has been processed through the
prescribed document approval process. Where there is a review panel, a simple method is to employ a standard comment sheet on which reviewers can indicate their comments or signify that they have no comment. During the drafting process you may undertake several revisions. You may feel it
necessary to retain these in case of dispute later, but you are not required to do so. You also need to show that the current issue has been reviewed so your comment sheets need to indicate document issue status.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

ISO 9001 Standards – Design and Development

ISO 9001 Standards - Design and Development

Plan and control the product design and development. This planning must determine the:Identify problems and propose any necessary actions

- Stages of design and development

- Appropriate review, verification, and validation activities for each stage

- Responsibility and authority for design and development

The interfaces between the different involved groups must be managed to ensure effective communication and the clear assignment of responsibility. Update, as appropriate, the planning output during design and development.

NOTE: Design and development review, verification, and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted and recorded separately or in any combination, as deemed suitable for the product and the organization.

Determine product requirement inputs and maintain records. The inputs must include:

- Functional and performance requirements

- Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements

- Applicable information derived from similar designs

- Requirements essential for design and development

Review these inputs for adequacy. Resolve any incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.

Document the outputs of the design and development process in a form suitable for verification against the inputs to the process. The outputs must:

- Meet design and development input requirements

- Provide information for purchasing, production, and service

- Contain or reference product acceptance criteria

- Define essential characteristics for safe and proper use

- Be approved before their release

Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages in accordance with planned arrangements to:

- Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements

- The reviews must include representatives of the functions concerned with the stage being reviewed. Maintain the results of reviews and subsequent follow-up actions.

ISO 9001 Standards – Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

ISO 9001 Standards - Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

Determine the monitoring and measurements to be made, and the required equipment, to provide evidence of product conformity. Use and control the monitoring and measuring devices to ensure that measurement capability is consistent with monitoring and measurement requirements.
Where necessary to ensure valid results:
- Calibrate and/or verify the measuring equipment at specified intervals or prior to use
- Calibrate the equipment to national or international standards (or record other basis)
- Adjust or re-adjust as necessary

- Identify the measuring equipment in order to determine its calibration status

- Safeguard them from improper adjustments

- Protect them from damage and deterioration

Assess and record the validity of prior results if the device is found to not conform to requirements. Maintain records of the calibration and verification results.

Confirm the ability of software used for monitoring and measuring for the intended application before its initial use (and reconfirmed as necessary).

NOTE: Confirming the ability of software to satisfy the intended application would typically include its verification and configuration management to maintain its suitability for use.

For More Information Please Visit

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Implement ISO 9001 Standards Using Template & Softwares

There are few ways of implementing the ISO 9000 in a particular organization. One of the easy way is hiring a ISO 9000 consultant in a turn key project basis. This definitely will incur cost. However, some of the organization will appoiint an employee to start up the ISO 9000, by learning thru seminar, preparing the ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Procedure & Form by using some of the ISO 9000 Template sell at internet. Some of the provider such as & are providing such services.
Normally, the template provide will provides the ISO 9000 Quality Manual Template, Standand Procedure & also sample form for the ISO 9000 implementation. One of the provider like give a very complete set of the ISO 9000 Templates, which will help an organization to implement the ISO 9000 easily.
There are also some ISO 9000 Softwares which helps the organization in the ISO 9000 implementation. Some of the ISO 9000 Software are listed below:
a. Document Control Software – Software which Helps the organization to keep track & control of the ISO 9000 Documents.
b. Audit Control Software – Software which helps the organization to keep track of internal & external audit events.
c. Training Record Management Software – Software which helps the organization to keep track of Training records in a system.
d. Calibration Software – Software to maintain the calibration records for tool & machinery.
More Sites on ISO 9001 Standards Template & Softwares are as below:

Friday, October 2, 2009

ISO 9000 Standard Books & Magazines

Here are some of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 related books & magazines available for online order.
1. ISO Management Systems – English Edition (Magazine Subscription) by Amazon
Format: Magazine
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
Publisher: Iso Central Secretariat
Iso Focus C-W Iso Management Systems – English ed
2. ISO Focus (Magazine Subscription) by Amazon
Magazine of the International Organization for Standardization providing a panoramic view of what is being done in international standardization, why it has been done and what will be done.
Format: Magazine
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
Publisher: Iso Central Secretariat
ASIN: B0001MS4E6
Iso Focus
3. ISO 9000 Quarterly Report (Magazine Subscription) by Amazon
Format: Magazine
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
Publisher: Rfp Report
ASIN: B00007J7K4
Iso 9000 Quarterly Report
4. A Basic Guide To ISO 14000 – Environment Management System (EMS) provides you with all of the basic information you need in ISO 14000 and ISO 14001:2004.
What is ISO14000
Benefits of ISO 14000
History of ISO 14000
ISO 14000 Certification
ISO 14000 Process Check List
Contents Of ISO 14001:2004
Key Elements Of ISO 14001:2004
Environment Management System Manual

ISO 9001 Software

Companies that need quality management systems realize that products like ISO 9001 software are important tools to insure their product safety, consistency and profitability. Using ISO 9001 software can help guarantee that any company can monitor productivity, customer satisfaction and product quality with reports that contain solid information.
This information is now vital to management in order for maximum efficiency in any industry. This is why ISO 9001 software is vital to any sized company. Continuous improvement means continuous profitability. Here are just a few reasons why:
o Companies increase sales because of better performance, quality, and delivery. This propels you ahead of your competition.
o ISO 9001 software helps retain employees and attract more highly qualified employees because they are assured of a controlled and consistent work environment.
o The experience of a more professional workplace boosts employee morale.
o Reduced operating costs dramatically increase your company’s productivity, leading to higher profitability.
o Customer satisfaction and higher profitability expand your market share and demand for your consistently higher product quality.
o When you’re compliant or certified to the appropriate standard, the businesses that work with you know that quality objectives, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction are your goals.
Many companies require that their suppliers are ISO 9001 compliant; therefore, once you’re certified, your opportunities increase. ISO 9001 software has be utilized and has developed experience of helping manufacturing, service, and distribution organizations to be more efficient and more profitable through continuous improvement programs. We help you to implement the time-tested methods of continuous improvement to measure performance, analyze data, and apply the appropriate process changes. This includes using ISO 9001 software.
ISO 9001 software also offers a suite of modules to enable you to manage the document management and ISO 9001 Compliance Management process. These modules enable complete transparent system measurement with targeted action items ensuring all persons are notified of tasks and carry them out in a prompt and efficient manner. ISO 9001 software provides training in there software and also bring extensive experience in implementing the ISO 9001 software in various environments.

ISO 9001 Software

Companies that need quality management systems realize that products like ISO 9001 software are important tools to insure their product safety, consistency and profitability. Using ISO 9001 software can help guarantee that any company can monitor productivity, customer satisfaction and product quality with reports that contain solid information.
This information is now vital to management in order for maximum efficiency in any industry. This is why ISO 9001 software is vital to any sized company. Continuous improvement means continuous profitability. Here are just a few reasons why:
o Companies increase sales because of better performance, quality, and delivery. This propels you ahead of your competition.
o ISO 9001 software helps retain employees and attract more highly qualified employees because they are assured of a controlled and consistent work environment.
o The experience of a more professional workplace boosts employee morale.
o Reduced operating costs dramatically increase your company’s productivity, leading to higher profitability.
o Customer satisfaction and higher profitability expand your market share and demand for your consistently higher product quality.
o When you’re compliant or certified to the appropriate standard, the businesses that work with you know that quality objectives, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction are your goals.
Many companies require that their suppliers are ISO 9001 compliant; therefore, once you’re certified, your opportunities increase. ISO 9001 software has be utilized and has developed experience of helping manufacturing, service, and distribution organizations to be more efficient and more profitable through continuous improvement programs. We help you to implement the time-tested methods of continuous improvement to measure performance, analyze data, and apply the appropriate process changes. This includes using ISO 9001 software.
ISO 9001 software also offers a suite of modules to enable you to manage the document management and ISO 9001 Compliance Management process. These modules enable complete transparent system measurement with targeted action items ensuring all persons are notified of tasks and carry them out in a prompt and efficient manner. ISO 9001 software provides training in there software and also bring extensive experience in implementing the ISO 9001 software in various environments.

Document and Data Control in ISO 9000 & ISO 14001

The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for controlling all documents and data required by ISO 9000 & ISO 14001
a) they can be located;
b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel;
c) current versions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the OH&S system are performed;
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use;
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes, are suitably identified.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action
The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action.
Documents required by the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure[s] to:
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to use;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revisions status of documents are identified;
d.) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e.) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f.) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 management system are identified and their distribution controlled, and
g.) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ISO 9001:2008 Documentation Requirements

ISO 9001:2008 Documentation Requirements
ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1 General requirements requires an organization to “establish, document, implement, and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard”
Clause 4.2.1 General explains that the quality management system documentation shall include:
documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives;
a quality manual documented procedures required by this International Standard documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes, and records required by this International Standard;
The notes after Clause 4.2 make it clear that where the standard specifically requires a “documented procedure”, the procedure has to be established, documented, implemented and maintained. It also emphasizes that the extent of the QMS documentation may differ from one organization to another due to:
the size of organization and type of activities;
the complexity of processes and their interactions, and
the competence of personnel.
All the documents that form part of the QMS have to be controlled in accordance with clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001:2008, or, for the particular case of records, according to clause 4.2.4.
Comments (0)
Guidance on Clause 4.2 of ISO 9001:2008
Posted by everise iso 9001 standard Monday 28 September 2009 8:51 am Edit This
Guidance on Clause 4.2 of ISO 9001:2008
The following comments are intended to assist users of ISO 9001:2008 in understanding the intent of the general documentation requirements of the International Standard.
a) Documented statements of a quality policy and objectives:
Requirements for the quality policy are defined in clause 5.3 of ISO 9001:2008. The documented quality policy has to be controlled according to the requirements of clause 4.2.3.
Note: Organizations that are revising their quality policy for the first time, or in order to meet the amended requirements in ISO 9001:2008, should pay particular attention to clause 4.2.3 (c), (d) and (g).
Requirements for quality objectives are defined in clause 5.4.1 of ISO 9001:2008. These documented quality objectives are also subject to the document control requirements of clause 4.2.3.
b) Quality Manual:
Clause 4.2.2 of ISO 9001:2008 specifies the minimum content for a quality manual. The format and structure of the manual is a decision for each organization, and will depend on the organization’s size, culture and complexity. Some organizations may choose to use the quality manual for other purposes besides that of simply documenting the QMS
A small organization may find it appropriate to include the description of its entire QMS within a single manual, including all the documented procedures required by the standard.
Large, multi-national organizations may need several manuals at the global, national or regional level, and a more complex hierarchy of documentation.
The quality manual is a document that has to be controlled in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.2.3.
c) Documented procedures:
ISO 9001:2008 specifically requires the organization to have “documented procedures” for the following six activities:
4.2.3 Control of documents
4.2.4 Control of records
8.2.2 Internal audit
8.3 Control of nonconforming product
8.5.2 Corrective action
8.5.3 Preventive action
These documented procedures have to be controlled in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.2.3 Some organizations may find it convenient to combine the procedure for several activities into a single documented procedure (for example, corrective action and preventive action). Others may choose to document a given activity by using more than one documented procedure (for example, internal audits). Both are acceptable.
Some organizations (particularly larger organizations, or those with more complex processes) may require additional documented procedures (particularly those relating to product realization processes) to implement an effective QMS.
Other organizations may require additional procedures, but the size and/or culture of the organization could enable these to be effectively implemented without necessarily being documented. However, in order to demonstrate compliance with ISO 9001:2008, the organization has to be able to provide objective evidence (not necessarily documented) that its QMS has been effectively implemented.
d) Documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes:
In order for an organization to demonstrate the effective implementation of its QMS, it may be necessary to develop documents other than documented procedures. However, the only documents specifically mentioned in ISO 9001:2008 are:
- Quality policy (clause 4.2.1.a)
- Quality objectives (clause 4.2.1.a)
- Quality manual (clause 4.2.1.b)
There are several requirements of ISO 9001:2008 where an organization could add value to its QMS and demonstrate conformity by the preparation of other documents, even though the standard does not specifically require them. Examples
may include:
- Process maps, process flow charts and/or process descriptions
- Organization charts
- Specifications
- Work and/or test instructions
- Documents containing internal communications
- Production schedules
- Approved supplier lists
- Test and inspection plans
- Quality plans
All such documents have to be controlled in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.2.3 and/or 4.2.4, as applicable
e) Records:
Examples of records specifically required by ISO 9001:2008 are presented in Annex B.
Organizations are free to develop other records that may be needed to demonstrate conformity of their processes, products and quality management system.
Requirements for the control of records are different from those for other documents, and all records have to be controlled according to those of clause 4.2.4 of ISO 9001:2008.
Comments (0)
Demonstrating conformity with ISO 9001:2008
Posted by everise iso 9001 standard Monday 28 September 2009 8:40 am Edit This
Demonstrating conformity with ISO 9001:2008
For organizations wishing to demonstrate conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, for the purposes of certification/registration, contractual, or other reasons, it is important to remember the need to provide evidence of the effective implementation of the QMS.
Organizations may be able to demonstrate conformity without the need for extensive documentation.
To claim conformity with ISO 9001:2008, the organization has to be able to provide objective evidence of the effectiveness of its processes and its quality management system. Clause 3.8.1 of ISO 9000:2005 defines “objective
evidence” as “data supporting the existence or variety of something” and notes that “objective evidence may be obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other means.”
Objective evidence does not necessarily depend on the existence of documented procedures, records or other documents, except where specifically mentioned in ISO 9001:2008. In some cases, (for example, in clause 7.1(d)
Planning of product realization, and clause 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product), it is up to the organization to determine what records are necessary in order to provide this objective evidence.
Where the organization has no specific internal procedure for a particular activity, and this is not required by the standard, (for example, clause 5.6 Management Review), it is acceptable for this activity to be conducted using as a basis the relevant clause of ISO 9001:2008. In these situations, both internal and external audits may use the text of ISO 9001:2008 for conformity assessment purposes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Certification In ISO 9001 Standards

Certification In ISO 9001 Standards
Certification involves an independent assessment of your quality system to confirm that it meets the requirements of ISO 9001. You will need to design, document and implement your own quality system. The system will need to cover all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Many certification bodies will not conduct a formal assessment until the system has been operating for at least three months. Your quality system cannot be audited until you have generated documentary evidence to show that you are meeting the standard. To find a certification body with relevant experience in your sector and accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Certification by a non-UKAS accredited body is likely to lead to credibility problems with your customers. Arrange a visit from the certification body’s auditors. UKAS prohibits auditors from acting as consultants. They will not tell you how to meet the standard but can offer advice. They will seek objective evidence that you are complying with each of the clauses of the ISO 9001 standard. The auditors will tell you of any shortcomings in your system. If you satisfy the standard, the auditors put your name forward for certification. You will be required to correct these problems within a specified timeframe. You can also be certificated if the auditors only identify a small number of ‘minor’ problems. Once you are certificated, you can display the certification body’s logo, and if the body is UKAS-accredited, the UKAS ‘tick and crown’ symbol (consult UKAS about exceptions to this rule). If the auditors identify more serious ‘major’ problems, you will be required to correct these before certification.

ISO 14001:2004 Standards Contents

ISO 14001:2004 Standards
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an environmental management system and the supporting audit programme.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Blog

ISO 9001:2008 Requirements – QMS

ISO 9001:2008 RequirementsQuality Management System
Establish, document, implement, and maintain a quality management system. Continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements. Implement the system to:? Determine processes needed for the quality management system (and their application throughout the organization)? Determine process sequence and interaction? Determine criteria and methods for process operation and control? Ensure resources and supporting information are available? Monitor, measure where applicable, and analyze these processes? Implement actions to achieve planned results and continual process improvementManage these processes in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements. Define the type and extent of control applied to any outsourced processes that affect product conformity to requirements.NOTE 1: Processes needed for the quality management system include the processes for management activities (see 5), provision of resources (see 6), product realization (see 7), and measurement, analysis, and improvement (see 8).NOTE 2: An outsourced process is a process the organization needs for its quality management system, and which the organization chooses to have performed by an external party.NOTE 3: Ensuring control over outsourced processes does not absolve your organization of the responsibility to conform to all customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements. The type and extent of control applied to an outsourced process can be influenced by factors such as:? Potential impact of the outsourced process on your organization’s capability to provide product that conforms to requirements? Degree to which the control for the process is shared? Capability of achieving the necessary control through the application of 7.4

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ISO 9001 Management Representative

The ISO 9001 Management Representative is appointed by the top management of an organization. Irrespective of other responsibilities, he/she is responsible and has the authority in
ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained,
reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement, and
ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.
The responsibility of the Management Representative also includes liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality management system.
The Management Representative is usually assisted at the departmental level by Quality Representatives. This position is assumed by the respective Department Managers. The Quality Representatives are responsible for the quality processes which are applicable to their respective departments.
The Quality Representatives head their respective Quality Improvement Teams which are established for the purpose of monitoring processes and identifying opportunities for improvements. Members of the Quality Improvement Teams comprise of key personnel within the departments/process areas who are appointed by the Quality Representative to assist him/her at the process-level.
The Management Representative is also assisted by an appointed Document Controller whose responsibility is to implement the Control of Documents and Control of records procedures.
Collectively, the Management Representative, Quality Representatives and the Document Controller make up the Quality Management System Committee. This committee meets regularly to provide relevant inputs and resolutions for the quality management system. The structure of the Quality Management System Committee is as follows:
Management Representative – Chairman
Document Controller – Secretary
Quality Representatives – Members
[Note: The above is just an example. If you are a small organization, a QMS Committee and Quality Improvement Teams may not be necessary]
To facilitate effecetive communications, the Quality Management System Committee and the Quality Improvement Teams, respectively, meet regularly in order to ensure that communication regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system takes place. Pertinent information regarding the quality management system is then posted by the Management Representative on the Bulletin Board for the benefit of all employees. Employees are generally encouraged to provide their inputs towards the quality management system through suggestion boxes which are located at strategic locations within the organization’s premises.
Note: Some organizations employ this method but results may vary among other organizations. The key is to continually improve on these methods/processes

Introduction to ISO Certification

Introduction to ISO Certification
Posted by everise iso 14001, iso 9001 standard Wednesday 2 September 2009 5:43 am
Certification is a way to attest, by the intermediary of a third-party certifier, to a company’s ability to provide a service, product or system in accordance with client requirements and regulation requirements. ISO and IEC give the following definition:
Procedure by which a third party gives written assurancethat a product, process or service complies with the requirementsspecified in a benchmark.The ISO 9000 family of standards corresponds to all the management best practices benchmarks as regards quality, which are defined by ISO (the International Organisation for Standardization).
ISO 9000 standards were originally written in 1987, with revisions taking place in 1994 and 2000. Thus, the 2000 version of the ISO 9001 standard, which is part of the ISO 9000 family, is written “ISO 9001:2000″. The ISO 9001:2000 standard mainly focuses on the processes used to produce a service or product, whereas the ISO 9001:1994 standard was mainly focused on the product itself. Here is an overview of all the different standards in the ISO 9000 family:
ISO 9000: “Quality Management Systems – Basic Principles and Vocabulary”. The ISO 9000 standard describes the principles of a quality management system and defines the terminologyISO 9001: “Quality Management Systems – Requirements”. The ISO 9001 standard describes the requirements relative to a quality management system either for internal use or for contractual or certification purposes. Therefore, this standard is a group of requirements that companies must followISO 9004: “Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for Improving Performance”. This standard, which is intended for internal use and not for contractual purposes, focuses particularly on continually improving performanceISO 10011: “Guidelines for auditing quality management and/or environmental management systems”

Monday, August 31, 2009

Preparing the ISO 9001 quality manual

The standard requires a quality manual to be establishedand maintained that includes the scope of the qualitymanagement system, the documented procedures or refer-ence to them and a description of the sequence andinteraction of processes included in the quality manage-ment system.
ISO 9000 defines a quality manual as a documentspecifying the quality management system of an organi-zation. It is therefore not intended that themanual be a response to the requirements ofISO 9001. As the top-level document describingthe management system it is a system descriptiondescribing how the organization is managed.Countless quality manuals produced to satisfy ISO 9000 :2008, were nomore than 20 sections that paraphrased the requirements of the standard.Such documentation adds no value. They are of no use to managers, staff orauditors. Often thought to be useful to customers, organizations would gainno more confidence from customers than would be obtained from theirregistration certificate.
This requirement responds to the System Approach Principle.A description of the management system is necessary as a means of showinghow all the processes are interconnected and how they collectively deliver thebusiness outputs. It has several uses as :a means to communicate the vision, values, mission, policies and objectivesof the organizationa means of showing how the system has been designeda means of showing linkages between processesa means of showing who does whatan aid to training new peoplea tool in the analysis of potential improvementsa means of demonstrating compliance with external standards and regulations
When formulating the policies, objectives and identifying the processes toachieve them, the manual provides a convenient vehicle for containing suchinformation. If left as separate pieces of information, it may be more difficult tosee the linkages.The requirement provides the framework for the manual. Its content maytherefore include the following:1 Introduction(a) Purpose (of the manual)(b) Scope (of the manual)(c) Applicability (of the manual)(d) Definitions (of terms used in the manual)2 Business overview(a) Nature of the business/organization – its scope of activity, its productsand services(b) The organization’s interested parties (customers, employees, regulators,shareholders, suppliers, owners etc.)(c) The context diagram showing the organization relative to its externalenvironment(d) Vision, values(e) Mission3 Organization(a) Function descriptions(b) Organization chart(c) Locations with scope of activity4 Business processes(a) The system model showing the key business processes and how they areinterconnected(b) System performance indicators and method of measurement(c) Business planning process description(d) Resource management process description(e) Marketing process description(f) Product/service generation processes description(g) Sales process description(h) Order fulfilment process description5 Function matrix (Relationship of functions to processes)6 Location matrix (Relationship of locations to processes)7 Requirement deployment matrices(a) ISO 9001 compliance matrix(b) ISO 14001 compliance matrix(c) Regulation compliance matrices (FDA, Environment, Health, Safety,CAA etc.)8 Approvals (List of current product, process and system approvals)

Continual improvement in the quality management In ISO 9001

Continual improvement in the quality management system and its processes In ISO 9001
The standard requires the organization to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and to implement action necessary to achieve planned results andcontinual improvement of the identified processes.
ISO 9000 defines continual improvement as a recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfil requirements. As the organization’s objectives are its requirements, continually improving the effectiveness of the management system means continually increasing the ability of the organization to fulfil its objectives.
This requirement responds to the Continual Improvement principle. If the management system is enabling the organization to accomplish its objectives when that is its purpose, why improve? The need for improvement arises out of a need to become more effective at what you do, more efficient in the utilization of resources so that the organization becomes best in its class. The purpose of measuring process performance is to establish whether or not the objectives are being achieved and if not to take action on the difference. If the performance targets are being achieved, opportunities may well exist to raise standards and increase efficiency and effectiveness.
If the performance of a process parameter is currently meeting the standard that has been established, there are several improvement actions you can take:Raise the standard e.g. if the norm for the sales ratio of orders won to all orders bid is 60%, an improvement programme could be developed for raising the standard to 75% or higherIncrease efficiency e.g. if the time to process an order is within limits, identify and eliminate wasted resources Increase effectiveness e.g. if you bid against all customer requests, by only bidding for those you know you can win you improve your hit rate
You can call all these actions improvement actions because they clearly improve performance. However, we need to distinguish between being better at what we do now and doing new things. Some may argue that improving efficiency is being better at what we do now, and so it is – but if in order to improve efficiency we have to be innovative we are truly reaching new standards. Forty years ago, supervisors in industry would cut an eraser in half in the name of efficiency rather than hand out two erasers. Clearly this was a lack of trust disguised as efficiency improvement and it had quite the opposite effect. In fact they were not only increasing waste but also creating a hostile environment.
Each of the improvement actions is dealt with later in the book and the subject of continual improvement addressed again under Quality planning in Chapter 5. There are several steps to undertaking continual improvement (Juran, J. M., 1995)12 .1 Determine current performance2 Establish the need for change3 Obtain commitment and define the improvement objectives4 Organize diagnostic resources5 Carry out research and analysis to discover the cause of currentperformance6 Define and test solutions that will accomplish the improvementobjectives7 Product improvement plans which specify how and by whom the changeswill be implemented8 Identify and overcome any resistance to change9 Implement the change10 Put in place controls to hold new levels of performance and repeat step one.

Migration to ISO 9001:2008

Migration To ISO 9001:2008The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) have agreed on an implementation plan to ensure a smooth transition ofaccredited certification to ISO 9001:2008, the latest version of the world’s most widely usedstandard for quality management systems (QMS). The details of the plan are given in the jointcommuniqué by the two organizations which appears below.Like all of ISO’s more than 17 000 standards, ISO 9001 is periodically reviewed to ensure that itis maintained at the state of the art and a decision taken to confirm, withdraw or revise thedocument.ISO 9001:2008, which is due to be published before the end of the year, will replace the year2000 version of the standard which is implemented by both business and public sectororganizations in 170 countries. Although certification is not a requirement of the standard, theQMS of about one million organizations have been audited and certified by independentcertification bodies (also known in some countries as registration bodies) to ISO 9001:2000.ISO 9001 certification is frequently used in both private and public sectors to increaseconfidence in the products and services provided by certified organizations, between partnersin business-to-business relations, in the selection of suppliers in supply chains and in the rightto tender for procurement contracts.ISO is the developer and publisher of ISO 9001, but does not itself carry out auditing andcertification. These services are performed independently of ISO by certification bodies. ISOdoes not control such bodies, but does develop voluntary International Standards toencourage good practice in their activities on a worldwide basis. For example, ISO/IEC17021:2006 specifies the requirements for bodies providing auditing and certification ofmanagement systems.Certification bodies that wish to provide further confidence in their services may apply to be“accredited” as competent by an IAF recognized national accreditation body. ISO/IEC17011:2004 specifies the requirements for carrying out such accreditation. IAF is aninternational association whose membership includes the national accreditation bodies of 49economies.ISO technical committee ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance, which isresponsible for the ISO 9000 family of standards, is preparing a number of support documentsexplaining what the differences are between ISO 9001:2008 and the year 2000 version, whyand what they mean for users. Once approved, these documents will be posted on the ISOWeb site – probably in October 2008.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and the IAF (International AccreditationForum) have agreed an implementation plan to ensure a smooth migration of accreditedcertification to ISO 9001:2008, after consultation with international groupings representingquality system or auditor certification bodies, and industry users of ISO 9001 certificationservices.ISO 9001:2008 does not contain any new requirementsThey have recognized that ISO 9001:2008 introduces no new requirements. ISO 9001:2008only introduces clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 based on eightyears of experience of implementing the standard world wide with about one millioncertificates issued in 170 countries to date. It also introduces changes intended to improveconsistency with ISO14001:2004The agreed implementation plan in relation to accredited certification is therefore thefollowing:Accredited certification to the ISO 9001:2008 shall not be granted until the publication of ISO9001:2008 as an International Standard.Certification of conformity to ISO 9001:2008 and/or national equivalents shall only be issuedafter official publication of ISO 9001:2008 (which should take place before the end of 2008)and after a routine surveillance or recertification audit against ISO 9001:2008.Validity of certifications to ISO 9001:2000One year after publication of ISO 9001:2008 all accredited certifications issued (newcertifications or recertifications) shall be to ISO 9001:2008.Twenty four months after publication by ISO of ISO 9001:2008, any existing certification issuedto ISO 9001:2000 shall not be valid.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Scope of the ISO 9001 quality management system

The standard requires the quality manual to include the scope of the quality management system including details of justification for any exclusion.
The standard addresses activities that may not be relevant or applicable to an organization. The permissible exclusions are explained in section 1.2 of ISO 9001. Here it states that the organization may only exclude requirements that neither affect the organization’s ability, nor its responsibility to provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements. The requirements for which exclusion is permitted are limited to those in section 7 of the standard.
Under ISO 9000 :2008, it was possible for organizations to exclude functions and processes of their organization that may have been difficult to control or were not part of the order fulfilment cycle. Organizations that designed their own products but not for specific customers could escape bringing these operations into the management system. Marketing was omitted because itoperated before placement of order. Accounting, Administration, Maintenance, Publicity, Public Relations and After Sales Support functions were often omitted because there were no requirements in the standard that specifically dealt with such activities. As there is no function in an organization that does not directly or indirectly serve the satisfaction of interested parties, it is unlikely that any function or process will now be excluded from the management system.
This requirement responds to the System Approach Principle.It is sensible to describe the scope of the management system so as to ensure effective communication. The scope of the management system is one area that generates a lot of misunderstanding particularly when dealing with auditors, consultants and customers. When you claim you have a management system that meets ISO 9001 it could imply that you design, develop, install and service the products you supply, when in fact you may only be a distributor.
Why you need to justify specific exclusions is uncertain because it is more practical tojustify inclusions.
The scope of the management system is the scope of the organization. There is no longer any reason to exclude locations, activities, functions or processes for which there is no requirement in the standard. The reason is because the ISO 9000 family now serves customer satisfaction and is not limited to quality assurance as were the 1994 versions of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003.
It is not appropriate to address exclusions by inserting pages in the manual corresponding to the sections of the standard and adding justification if not within the scope of the management system – such as ‘We don’t do this!’. It is much more appropriate to use an appendix as indicated previously in the manual contents list. By describing the nature of the business, you are establishing boundary conditions. If in doing so you do not mention that you design products, it will be interpreted that design is not applicable. For exclusions relative to detail requirements, the Compliance Matrix may suffice but for an unambiguous solution, it is preferable to produce an exposition that addresses each requirement of the standard.

Managing processes In ISO 9001 Standard

The standard requires the organization to manage the identified processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The first stage in managing a process is to establish what it is you are trying to achieve, what requirements you need to satisfy, what goals you are aiming at; then establish how you will measure your achievements. The next stage is to define the process you will employ to deliver the results. Managing the process then involves managing all the inherentcharacteristics of the process in such a manner that the requirements of customers and interested parties are fulfilled by the process outcomes. This means:Managing the process inputsManaging the workManaging the physical resourcesManaging the financial resourcesManaging the human resourcesManaging the constraintsManaging the outputs
Process management is therefore much more than managing activities and therefore when describing processes, one needs more than a flow chart of activities. The chart is a diagrammatical representation of a process but only one aspect. One can also add numerical data to the charts to indicate resources, cycle times, delays, costs etc. but the intangible factors of the human environment cannot be reduced to numerical data to add to the charts.
The notes to clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 need some explanation. It is stated that the processes needed for the management system include management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement. This note could cause confusion because it suggests that these are the processes that are needed for the management system. It would be unwise to use this as the model and far better to identify the processes from observing how the business operates. The term provision of resources should be Resource Management, which is thecollection of processes covering financial, human and physical resources.
Product realization is also a collection of processes such as design, production, service delivery, etc. Measurement is not a single process but a sub-process within each process. Grouping all the measurement processes together serves no useful purpose except it matches the standard – a purpose of little value in managing the organization.
The second note refers to outsourcing processes although it is difficult to imagine that management activities, product realization or measurement would be outsourced in its entirety. It is likely that market research; design, product verification, equipment calibration and other specialized services may be outsourced. While outsourcing comes under purchasing, it is correct to point out that the organization should control any outsourced processes. The supplier of the process is usually referred to as a subcontractor because they provide services to the organization’s requirements not their own. Control of subcontractors is covered by clause 7.4 but in meeting clause 7.4.3, you need to treat suppliers and subcontractors differently.

ISO 9001 Quality Policy

On customersWe will listen to our customers, understand and balance their needs andexpectations with those of our suppliers, employees, investors and society andendeavour to give full satisfaction to all parties.On leadershipWe will establish and communicate our vision for the organization and throughour leadership exemplify core values to guide the behaviour of all to achieve ourvision.On peopleWe will involve our people in the organization’s development, utilize theirknowledge and experience, recognize their contribution and provide an environ-ment in which they are motivated to realize their full potential.On processes and systemsWe will take a process approach towards the management of work and manage ourprocesses as a single system of interconnected processes that delivers all theorganization’s objectives.On continual improvementWe will provide an environment in which every person is motivated tocontinually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our products, processes andour management system.On decisionsWe will base our decisions on the logical and intuitive analysis of data collectedwhere possible from accurate measurements of product, process and systemcharacteristics.On supplier relationshipsWe will develop alliances with our suppliers and work with them to jointlyimprove performance.http://www.iso-consults.comhttp://www.iso9001store.com

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Standard

ISO 9001:2008 is the world most successful standard addressing best practice in the application of quality management systems.
The standard is based around the principles of customer satisfaction, continual improvement and the development of a process based quality management system. Although not referenced in the standard itself the ISO 9001:2008 document is underpinned by eight key quality management principles;
a customer focused organisation
the involvement of people
ensuring a process approach
a systematic approach to management
a factual approach to decision making
mutually beneficial supplier relations
continuous improvement
ISO 9001:2008 has been written to ensure that its guiding principles are equally relevant to all sectors of industry and to all types of organisation. Although containing requirements to control the key processes within an organisation, it only requires six documented procedures. The standard emphasises the need for an organisation to continually monitor their own processes and systems, with many clauses making reference to self monitoring or measurement or both. This emphasis aims for an integrated approach to business processes. Instead of operating to a business plan on one hand and a quality management system on the other, the standard aims to integrate both of these functions into one system.
What is a quality management system?ISO 9001:2008 is a standard that specifies criteria for a quality management system (QMS). A QMS incorporates those elements of an organisations management system that direct and control it with regard to quality. Such a system will need to be supported by top management who will need to be able to demonstrate management commitment.
How do you demonstrate management commitment?Management commitment is one of the cornerstones of ISO 9001:2008, requiring top management to develop and improve the QMS throughout the organisation. This commitment can be demonstrated by a number of methods including creating a quality policy, conducting management reviews and establishing quality objectives.
What is a quality policy?ISO 9001:2008 specifies that an organisation must have a quality policy that documents the organisations overall intentions and direction related to quality as formally expressed by top management. Such a policy will include a commitment to comply with ISO 9001:2008, to continuously improve the QMS and to set and monitor measurable quality objectives.
What are quality objectives?The quality objectives are those targets sought or aimed for by the organisation that are related to quality. These quality objectives must be SMART (suitable, measurable, achievable, reviewed and timely). Examples of quality objectives might be; to reduce machine down time by 20% or to reduce rework costs by ?00 p/m. Whatever quality objectives are chosen they must be meaningful and adequately resourced by the organisation.
What is a management review?A management review is a key element of how the top management of an organisation can assess its performance in terms of the objectives it sets itself, the requirements set by the standard and how its systems are operating. Normally, a management review is a regular meeting of the top management team and uses the information that the organisation? systems have derived. It is a useful forum to review and revise quality objectives.
What are internal audits and why do I need to carry them out?Internal audit is one of the key monitoring processes required by the standard and functions as a check on the organisation? systems. It is the opportunity for an organisation to determine compliance to the systems it has established and maintained to meet the needs of its customers and identify opportunities for improvement. Internal audit can be seen as a ealth check?for an organisation.
The ore?of ISO 9001:2008, Product realisationClause 7 of ISO 9001:2008 contains the core processes that most organisations carry out. Any clause or sub-clause in section 7 can be excluded from an organisations quality management system if it can be justifiably excluded. Examples of common exclusions are clause 7.3 design and development, clause 7.5.3 traceability and clause 7.6 the control of monitoring and measuring devices. Clauses can only be excluded if their exclusion does not affect the company? ability to provide a product or service that meets customer requirements.
These core processes should be managed and controlled via the quality management system, and are evaluated for effectiveness and suitability by the internal audits with feed back into the management review.
This is a clear demonstration of one of the key principles of ISO 9001:2008, continuous improvement by critical self-evaluation. The output from the self-evaluation is fed into a planning stage to determine actions needed to improve the system. Following the planning and consultation comes the action phase where the proposed changes are implemented. Then the cycle starts again by checking that the changes are effective and meaningful by self-evaluation.
Other requirements of section 7 are;Product planning to ascertain and then implement the necessary controls and resources to ensure product realisation.
Purchasing control to verify purchased product against comprehensive purchasing information and the selection and evaluation of suppliers.
Production and service provision to ensure that this activity is carried out in controlled conditions and that any processes that cannot be verified during production are validated to ensure capability. Where appropriate the product must be identified, and if required, traceable at all stages of production. Any customer property must be identified and protected from harm and all products must be stored and handled in such a way to preserve product conformity.
Any monitoring and measuring devices needed to provide evidence of product conformity must be identified and if necessary calibrated.
But what about the customer? All of the clauses in ISO 9001:2008 are in some way focused towards meeting and exceeding the customer? expectations. For example the requirement of management to determine and communicate the importance of customer requirements throughout the organisation, and the review of customer orders to ensure that they can be met. Companies are required to implement methods for effective communication with the client at all stages of the business including ascertaining customer satisfaction after the product or service has been delivered as well as resolving customer complaints.
Finally?ISO 9001:2008 is widely acclaimed as being the pre-eminent specification for quality management systems, it requires a company to look at itself and ask the question, ‘how can we improve?’ An ISO 9001:2008 management system should be an essential part of any business process, requiring continual improvement by self-evaluation with a goal of ensuring that current and future customer expectation can be met and exceeded.
If you have any queries concerning ISO 9001:2008 please visit

Thursday, August 27, 2009


The methods and tools of quality management and quality assurance have evolved over many decades to a remarkable degree of perfection. From the times of early civilization up to the industrial Revolution, quality was the responsibility of the craftsman who made the product according to his own design, or that of his customers. With the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when large numbers of workers were engaged to produce similar products in large quantities, quality progressively became the responsibility of the shop foreman or supervisor, who was usually selected from among experienced workers.
In the 1930s, with the beginning of manufacture of interchangeable components, inspection departments started to be introduced in firms. Their function was mainly to sort good products from bad. Inspection departments represented the separation of the quality and production functions and brought to the scene specialized inspectors and sophisticated measuring and testing equipment. In the 1940s, with the dramatic increases in production due to the war, Statistical Quality Control techniques were introduced to reduce the cost of inspection work, which had become huge with the mass production of military products.
By the end of the 1950s, Quality Control Departments existed in most manufacturing companies. Their activities usually embraced the operational techniques applied to achieve quality, including both monitoring and corrective action. In the 1970s, led by the remarkable quality revolution in Japan, the concept of Total Quality Control gained very wide acceptance.
It asserted that quality was the result of a large number of interacting activities carried out by the different departments of the organization – activities that began with the identification of the needs of the customer or consumer and continued until assessments showed these needs had been satisfied.
The different stages involved constitute what is called the “quality loop”. The concept of departmentalized quality control had, by then, evolved to a broader concept: Quality Assurance, which was defined as “all the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a product or service satisfies quality requirements”. This evolution of quality concepts led naturally, in the 1980s, to a further broadening of the quality concept.
Today we speak of Total Quality Management which can be applied in any organization, and is perceived as “the totality of management commitment to and implementation of its own self- defined quality policy”. It includes every aspect of the overall management function of an organization. In 1979 the member of ISO and IEC for the United Kingdom, the British Standards Institution (BSI), submitted a formal proporsal to ISO that a new technical committee should be formed to prepare International Standards relating to quality assurance techniques and practices. The new technical committee was approved and given a number (ISO/TC 176), a title (Quality Assurance) a scope, and a secretariat (Canada) according to the usual ISO/IEC procedures. Twenty member countries decided to become active participants in the work (P-members) of this new committee when it was set up and another fourteen countries opted to follow the work as observers (O-members).
Today, the number of countries actively participating in ISO/TC 176 is 42 P – members and 21 O – members. There had already been a substantial base of national experience in the UK and Canada. In the UK, the BS 5750 standards were well on their way to broad acceptance and in Canada a series of national standards known as CSA Z299 were also widely used. Naturally, there were some differences in the approaches taken in the UK and Canada, and also a recognition on both sides of the Atlantic that both sets of standards could be improved. Other countries with well-developed quality management practices such as Japan were also starting to take a knee interest, so the programme of ISO/TC 176 quickly became a substantial work effort.
The first editions of the ISO 9000 standards (9000 to 9004) were completed in 1986 and published in the early part of 1987. Up to this point, one could have said that the existence of the ISO 9000 standards was not a very unsual kind of international standardization event. A new committee had been formed, it had taken about five years to produce its first major set of standards, and we would wait and see how well these standards came to be accepted.

ISO 9000 – Benefits and Problems

ISO 9000 has received much publicity. Some managers see it as a prerequisite for conducting business. For others, it substitutes for the difficulties and vagaries of Total Quality Management (TQM). Some see only a needless bureaucratic boondoggle. Depending on the situation, any of these views might be correct.
Sensibly applied, ISO 9000 is a qualifier for international markets or specific domestic customers. Certification can be a valuable marketing tool. The standards are a sound blueprint for a quality system. They can lead the way to the more difficult and sophisticated approaches of Total Quality Management. ISO 9000 can improve a company’s cost structure by 5%-20%.
Approached unwisely, ISO 9000 can be costly and unproductive. It may create a quality bureaucracy which adds to the cost structure and slows product development. It can focus people on paperwork instead of customers. It can divert management concentration and energy from more vital issues.